The Fact News Service
Mohali, September 29
Pushpa Gujral Science City celebrated Green Consumer Day by organizing a webinar to highlight the importance of recycling-reusing and reducing waste material. Around 100 participants from all over Punjab attended this webinar. The Green Consumer Day is celebrated globally on 28th September every year.
Giving introductory remarks at the occasion, Dr. Neelima Jerath, Director General, Science City said that each one of us needs to understand and realize how our actions today could have an huge impact on the future of the world and the present throw away culture and consumerism could adversely affect the environment and worsen climate change. The transition from take-make-use economy to reduce-reuse-recycle, or adopting circular economy, is the need of the hour. She informed that Green Consumer Day is celebrated to create awareness on adopting of eco-friendly practices at the societal level, as well as in the manufacturing process right from small scale to big industries, for sustainable development of the nation.
Citizen as consumers need to realize their responsibility for addressing environmental problems and adopting environment-friendly behavior towards their consumption habits, such as clean and renewable energy, organic products, etc.
Dr. K Krishnamurthi, Chief Scientist & Head, Health and Toxicity Cell CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur was key speaker at this occasion. He delivered a special lecture on “Circular economy for sustainable Development”. He said that Green Consumer Day calls for the protection and improvement of the environment. He informed that Circular economy is an ecosystem where components, products, and by products do not lose their value leading to sustainability. It has several advantages for the environment such as improved economy, clean environment, reduced GHG emission, low pressure on non-renewable resources, demand for new services etc.
Dr. Rajesh Grover, Director Science City present at this occasion said that solid waste is increasing day by day due to population growth, industrialization, urbanization and economic growth. Studies indicate that Developed countries are generating more waste per capita than under developed countries. He urged the need to implement innovative Waste management practices that demonstrate exceptional sustainability values.