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July 27, 2024 9:47 am

Procurement of paddy crosses half way mark in Kapurthala

P S Walia
Kapurthala , October 20

Paddy procurement has crossed the half way mark in kapurthala district in a smooth manner as nearly 4 lakh MT paddy has been purchased by Government agencies till October 19.

The target has been fixed for the district was to purchase 796120 MT during the ongoing season, out of which 398581 MT has been purchased .

Deputy commissioner Vishesh sarangal today said that the procurement is on full swing as arrival of more than 40 thousand MT paddy noted in the district.

He also said that amount worth Rs 662 crore has been transferred to the bank accounts of farmers against the procured paddy which is nearly 103 % of the fixed target of payment in 48 hours after the purchase of crop . It may be mentioned here that the daily payment to farmers has also crossed to Rs 70 crore.

pungrain agency has procured maximum paddy in the district which was 42% , followed by MARKFED with 29% , PUNSUP with 20 % and PSWC with 6 % .

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