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July 27, 2024 5:05 am

MP Vikramjit Sahney protests for no representation from Punjab in MSP/ CACP Committee

The Fact News Service
New Delhi, December 16

Vikramjit Singh Sahney, MP Rajya Sabha, today lodged his protest in Parliament for no representation from Punjab in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) committee and Commission for Agriculture Cost and Prices (CACP) committee.

Vikramjit intervened when Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar was replying to a question from MSP in the Parliament.

Vikramjit explained that in the MSP committee, representation has been given to Agriculture Universities from J & K and Madhya Pradesh, while Commissioners of Agriculture departments from Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, and Orissa have been taken.

He lamented that no representation from Punjab either an expert from Punjab Agriculture university or an Agriculture commissioner from Punjab has been included in the MSP committee. Notwithstanding that Punjab is the biggest contributor to procurement under MSP for more than one decade now, which makes Punjab the biggest stakeholder on this subject.

Meanwhile speaking about CACP, the commission which determines MSP, Vikramjit mentioned that there is also no representation from Punjab and in fact, two positions of non-official members which are reserved for Farmer’s representatives are lying vacant for many years now.

He raised this matter in the monsoon session as well where in his reply, the Agriculture minister had acknowledged that two vacant posts are there at CACP, but he did not comment on giving representation to farmers of Punjab. While in today’s reply again the response to this question was the same.

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