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July 27, 2024 5:35 am

MP Sanjeev Arora shares his childhood memories with children on Children’s Day

The Fact News Service
Ludhiana, November 14

Sanjeev Arora, Member Parliament (Rajya Sabha) on the occasion of Children’s Day today met a few children today and briefed them about importance and significance of the day.

He also shared some of the memorable incidents of his childhood with the children. He said people especially parents and teachers should take every possible care of children because children are future of the Nation.

Arora said the best celebration of this special day is to impart best education to children. Besides, there is also a need to inculcate best moral values among children to build a better Nation.

He added that there is a dire need to work for the children belonging to slum dwellers and downtrodden families.

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