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July 27, 2024 6:31 am

Jalandhar gets ‘Skoch Order of Merit Award’ for zero pendency in Sewa Kendras

The Fact News Service
Jalandhar, January 24

The District Administration led by Deputy Commissioner Jaspreet Singh has received the precious `Skoch Order of Merit Award’ for improving Service Delivery through a zero pendency approach. The award has been conferred during a virtual ceremony on 20 January by Shri Gursharan Dhanjal (vice chairperson of Skoch group) in presence of bureaucrats from across the country.

Lauding the entire administration team, Deputy Commissioner Jaspreet Singh said that the Skoch award is a recognition for each officer/official who made sincere and exemplary efforts to ensure delivery of services to the people within the stipulated time frame.

Giving more information, he said that the administration had adopted Jalandhar’s “Zero Pendency” approach for which nodal officers were appointed at the Tehsil or Sub-Tehsil level to analyze all dealing hands’ performance processing a citizen application before final approval.

He said that every office’s performance in processing applications was monitored daily through a management information system (MIS).

Singh said If an application was found pending, it gets immediately mapped to the concerned official. The nodal officers get alerted who subsequently ensure the application gets processed without any delay. The Deputy Commissioner said the Zero Pendency approach is designed to encourage a two-way flow of information between line-department functionaries and the district administration.

He said that with this, the administration identifies and alerts for pendency and shares and records the root cause of any such pendency with district heads of departments that ensure that structural bottlenecks get addressed by the departments to prevent any future pendency arising out of the same causes.

The officers/officials were honored who ensure zero pendency; he said and added the step further motivated others to follow them. He further said that regular review meetings are held to discuss pendency beyond timelines and unjustifiable delays are punished. By taking these steps pendency is kept at a lower level.

Further, the administration is also personally calling citizens who have used the Sewa Kendra facilities within the last seven days for their valuable suggestions and feedback, he informed.

Notably, Jalandhar is a leading district in Punjab with minimum pendency of applications in the Sewa Kendras and ensuring expeditious delivery of citizen-centric services to people.

It is pertinent to mention here that instituted in 2003, SKOCH Award salutes people, projects and institutions that go the extra mile to make India a better nation. SKOCH Award winners include the mighty and the ordinary alike. They receive this Award for their extraordinary achievements in contributing to society.

The SKOCH Award covers the best of efforts in digital, financial and social inclusion. It encompasses the best of governance, inclusive growth, excellence in technology and applications, change management, corporate leadership, corporate governance, citizen services delivery, capacity building, empowerment and other such softer issues that get normally lost in the glamour and the glitz of industry-sponsored or advertising focused jamborees.

SKOCH Award not only acknowledges exceptional achievers—organizations and individuals—but also spurs inspirational guidance and motivational leadership.

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