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July 27, 2024 6:17 am

Haryana polling parties to depart on May 24

The Fact News Service
Chandigarh, May 23

Haryana Chief Electoral Officer Anurag Agarwal said that polling parties for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections 2024 in the state will depart for their respective polling stations on May 24.

If any anti-social elements or if any political party attempts to disrupt the duties of these polling teams using their influence, strict action will be taken against them according to the rules.

Agarwal shared that the first randomization of polling parties was conducted on April 24, and the training was completed on May 6, 2024. The second randomization and training were completed on May 10 and May 19, respectively. Now, on May 24, all these polling parties will head to their designated polling stations.

He informed that the Lok Sabha general elections 2024 and the Karnal assembly by-election will be held in Haryana on May 25. All preparations for this have been completed.

He further shared that Misconduct by any person in the polling station or disobedience of lawful directions of the presiding officer may result in that person being removed from the polling station by any police officer on duty.

Any person who has been so removed from a polling station re-enters the polling station without the permission of the presiding officer can be arrested. Under Section 132 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, they may face three months of imprisonment or a fine, or both.

Provision for a 2-year imprisonment for carrying arms to the polling station

Agarwal said that no person, other than the Returning officer, the presiding officer, any police officer or any other person appointed to maintain peace and order at the polling station who is on duty at the polling station, shall, on a polling day, go armed with arms. If he does so, he commits an offense.

Under Section 134B of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, the person can face up to 2 years of imprisonment or fine, or both.

The Chief Electoral Officer informed that if the presiding officer of a polling station has reason to believe that any person has removed ballot paper or EVM out of the polling station, such officer may arrest or direct a police officer to arrest such person and may search such person or cause him to be searched by a police officer.

Under Section 135 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, the person can face 1 year’s imprisonment or fine, or both.

Provision for 2 years imprisonment for fraudulently destroying the official mark on a ballot or EVM

Agarwal said that if any person fraudulently defaces or fraudulently destroys any ballot paper or EVM or the official mark on any ballot paper or EVM or puts into any ballot box anything other than the ballot paper or pastes any paper, tapes etc., on the symbol/names/ballot button of EVM for the purpose of the election commits an offence.

Under Section 136 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, 2 years imprisonment or fine or both, if offence committed by any officer or clerk employed on election duty, and 6 months imprisonment or fine, for others.

Additionally, whoever voluntarily causes simple or grievous hurt or assaults to deter a public servant from discharging his duty, will be liable for imprisonment from 2 to 10 years and fine under sections 332, 333, and 353 of the Indian Penal Code, shared Agarwal.

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