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July 27, 2024 6:07 am

Cheema directs immediate release of Rs,10 crore for Fazilika Sugar Mill

The Fact News Service
Chandigarh, January 3

With a view to have a detailed assessment of the status of Cooperative sugar mills in the State and deliberate upon the measures to ensure their economic viability, the Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema today held a marathon meeting with the top brass of Cooperative Department, SUGARFED and Department of Finance.

The Minister directed the immediate release of Rs. 10 crores towards the payment of the salaries and retirement dues pertaining to the Fazilka Sugar Mill among other measures aimed at revival of Cooperative Sugar Mills.

Emphasizing upon the austerity measures and technological advancements as the need of the hour, the Minister said that the sugar mills constitute the backbone of the Cooperative sector and the State Government is fully committed to keep them afloat.

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