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July 27, 2024 5:16 am

Chandigarh: BJP candidate Sanjay Tandon promises to take Panjab University to new heights

The Fact News Service
Chandigarh, April 20

As part of his election campaign BJP Chandigarh Lok Sabha candidate Sanjay Tandon addressed a gathering of academicians, professors, and non-teaching staff at Punjab University.

He promised to redress their grievances and called upon the teaching fraternity to take the university to new heights.

He said, being an alumni of the university, he was committed to make the university one of the best in the country. The gathering was organized by Prof. Rajat Sandhir. Tandon also addressed a gathering in Sec 40.

Sanjay Tandon said he gets emotional whenever he visits PU. “I have a 40-year old connect with PU and it is an emotive relationship I have with this great institution”, he said.

Tandon added, I am aware of the long pending demands and issues of professors and non- teaching staff of PU. “I ensure that if I get elected as an MP I will advocate your issues with the centre and if needed I will directly raise the issues with Modi ji personally. I promise that I will be available 24x 7 at your service for the next 5 years.”

During the event at PU, university  and college professors , non-teaching staff members and Chandigarh College Association representatives were present. Prominent people present included Lajwant Virk (Senator),Mukesh Arora (Senator), Navdeep Goyal, Sanjay Kaushik, R S Jhanjhi, Sukhbir Kaur and Anju Suri.

Tandon underlined how the nation has shaped up under the Modi government’s leadership. He said today that the other nations look at us with respect because of a strong PM and his leadership. India’s stature has soared globally in the last 10 years. Today India has become the 5th largest economy from number 11.

Meanwhile, while addressing an audience comprising of party workers in Sector 40, Sanjay Tandon asked the workers to reach out to the masses and make them aware about the development and beneficial schemes launched for the poor people in the last 10 years. He also highlighted that major development took place in city beautiful such as establishment of bird park, air-force museum, revamp of community centres etc


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