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July 27, 2024 9:40 am

Capt Amarinder asks Mann not to quote history selectively, out of context

The Fact News Service
Chandigarh, October 15

Former Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh today asked Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann not to quote history selectively and out of context.

Besides, he added, he did not need any certificate from the likes of Bhagwant Mann for his commitment towards watching and safeguarding the interests of the nation and that of Punjab.

Referring to Mann showing a 1981 invite about the foundation laying stone of SYL in Patiala district, Capt Amarinder said, he was at that time Patiala MP and Ms Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister.

He said, 41 years have passed since then and the facts at that time were quite different from what they are now. He told Mann, like he said himself, that such agreements needed to be reviewed after every 25 years depending on various factors, similarly, the situation and circumstances have changed from what these were then and what these are now.

Capt Amarinder said, that is the reason that as Chief Minister of Punjab he enacted Water Sharing Agreements (Repealing) Act in 2004 to secure the water of Punjab from going to the neighbouring states.

He pointed out, history is witness to his commitment towards the nation and also Punjab whether it was rejoining the army to fight war against Pakistan or resigning from the Parliament and the Congress to oppose and protest against Operation Bluestar.

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