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July 27, 2024 6:19 am

Canadian Foreign Minister Joly to visit India from Feb 6

Ottawa, February 5

Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly on Saturday (local time) announced that she will embark on her first official trip to India from February 6 to 7 to deepen bilateral ties and foster stronger partnerships, according to Government of Canada press release.

“As I depart for my first official trip to India, I’m looking forward to strengthen our relationship, putting our Indo-Pacific Strategy into action,” tweeted Joly.


She will build on the two countries shared tradition of democracy and pluralism, a common commitment to a rules-based international system and multilateralism, and mutual interest in expanding our commercial relationship and strengthening our extensive and growing people-to-people connections, added the release.

In Delhi, Minister Joly will meet with her Indian counterpart S Jaishankar to advance Canada’s engagement with India under the Indo-Pacific Strategy, and create opportunities for growth and prosperity for the two countries.

Both ministers will identify areas where Canadian and Indian interests converge and where the two countries could further collaborate on global and regional issues, especially as India holds the presidency of the G20 this year, added the release.

Minister Joly will also engage with key stakeholders in India’s business and civil society communities regarding Canada’s robust agenda with India under the Indo-Pacific Strategy.

She will seek to generate momentum for a stronger, more open, and more prosperous partnership between Canada and the Indo-Pacific region that firmly supports regional peace, stability, and the rules-based international order said the release.

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