The Fact News Service
Ludhiana, September 8
The Agricultural and Processed Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Punjab Agro today organized a joint capacity-building program regarding horticultural products exports awareness.
Punjab Agro is the state nodal agency for Punjab to promote horticultural products from Punjab and has been diligently working for the welfare of farmers through such initiatives.
The activity has been strategically planned before the resumption of flights from Amritsar to UK and Canada.
More than 150 horticultural farmers and senior officials from Apeda, Punjab Agro, Regional Plant Quarantine Office, Amritsar (Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare), Department of Horticulture, Government of Punjab, Punjab Agricultural University, Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) attended the program and also shared their expertise for promoting horticultural exports from Punjab. Subject matter expert from Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board also shared his expertise for strengthening export preparedness of horticultural farmers interested in exporting their produce.
Members of various Farmer Producer Organizations and many potential exporters also attended the program with enthusiasm and interacted with the experts to resolve their queries and discussed the issues in detail with the experts. Farmers got extensive information on pre-harvest and post-harvest management of horticultural crops including international import and plant quarantine requirements, pesticide residue compliance, good agricultural practices, export documentation etc.