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September 8, 2024 4:51 am

ICG conducts Pollution Response Seminar & Mock Drill in West Bengal to address challenges of combating oil spills at sea

The Fact News Service

New Delhi, May 23

The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) organised a ‘Pollution Response Seminar and Mock Drill’ at the Headquarters Coast Guard District No. 8 (West Bengal) in Haldia on May 22-23, 2024. The event gathered key stakeholders from various agencies, along with oil handling agencies, to address the critical challenges of combating oil spills at sea.

Participants engaged in a table-top exercise, collaborating on simulated scenarios to enhance their response capabilities and foster synergy among all involved parties. State-of-the-art pollution response equipment was demonstrated, providing participants with practical experience to further improve their readiness for environmental crises.

The Commander of Headquarters Coast Guard District No. 8 (West Bengal) emphasised the importance of synergy and effective implementation of the National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan. He highlighted the collective responsibility to protect marine resources and reaffirmed the ICG’s commitment to ensuring safer seas and cleaner coasts.

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