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September 8, 2024 4:49 am

Himachal: Dalai Lama gives one-day special teachings on full moon day of Saka Dawa month

Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh), June 4

On the occasion of Buddha Shakyamuni’s Birth, Enlightenment, and Parinirvana Day, Tibetan spiritual leader the 14th Dalai Lama gave a teaching on Geshe Langri Thangpa’s eight Verses of Mind Training and also conducted the ceremony for generating Bodhichitta at the Main Tibetan Temple Tsuglhakhan here.

Every year during the auspicious full moon day of Saka Dawa month, a public ceremony for Eight Mahayana Precepts (Vows) is done here at the main Tibetan temple in Mcleodganj.

According to the Tibetan Lunar calendar, Sakadawa is the name of the 4th month and the full moon day of this month is a day of celebration and religious importance for Tibetan Buddhists.

The Tibetan Buddhists worldwide are currently observing this month as the holy Buddhist month of Saka Dawa.

The day is of special religious significance and because of these three important stages of Lord Buddha’s life falling on the same day, it is considered a very sacred day to Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan Buddhists believe that on this day if they do good and virtuous things, it will multiply into thousands. About six thousand Tibetans including monks, nuns, students and foreign followers gather here to attend this special event of Saka Dawa.

Tenzin Dolma, a nun from Dolmaling nunnery said, “It was a teachings session by his holiness the Dalai Lama and the topic was mind training and along with this Boddhichitta vows are also given by his holiness. Generating Bodhichitta is essential for every human being not only for Tibetans. It is the 15th day of the Tibetan and lunar calendar which resembles the day of birth, Nirvana, and enlightenment of Lord Buddha.”

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