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September 8, 2024 6:28 am

CGC Jhanjeri organizes startup carnival 2023

The Fact News Service
Mohali, April 22

CGC Jhanjeri organized Startup Carnival at its campus where successful people from various entrepreneurial backgrounds were invited. Chief Guest at the moment was Sunil Chawla, DGM, Punjab Infotech, He informed students that startups often require creative solutions to complex problems.

The Guest of Honor at the moment was Ankur Kushwaha, Sr. Consultant, Invest Punjab, threw light on the need for skill building for both jobs and startup.

He mentioned the need for networking and adaptability to succeed in entrepreneurship. Balvinder Pal, Co-founder FinDarts, Mohit Nijhawan- Founder& CEO of Embryonic Greens,

Varun Gupta- Founder and Director, Zorgers Healthcare, Ekant Agarwal- CEO& Founder at Ekant, Harminder Singh- Founder of Black Eye Technologies, Dr Munish Jindal- Founder &CEO of HoverRobotix, Dr Nancy Juneja, founder and director RevUp, also gave their insight on the start-up. They motivated them to step ahead into the world of start-ups.

Later, Students presented start-up ideas to the expert panellists. More than 50 different start-up ideas were presented by the students of various departments. Panel of Experts selected Top 12 ideas with the themes AI based flight booking system, Online platform for fundraising, efficient Cooling System, Delivery model for multiple outlets in one location, Online accommodation for college students, Events live Streaming platform, Food Start-up for college students, Admission consultancy portal, Agri-Tech platform, online gaming platform and online PG.

The 12 selected teams presented their ideas on ppt and 3 teams Online accommodation for college students, Efficient Cooling Systems, Admission consultancy portal won the competition.

Arsh Dhaliwal, MD CGC Jhanjeri, urged students to think critically, analyze data, and identify root causes.

He explained the role of Government Bodies like start-up Punjab as a mentor and incubator of Start-ups. Rashpal Singh Dhaliwal, President CGC while honouring the winners with certificates and awards motivated them to work hard to fulfill their aim in life.

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