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July 3, 2024 8:01 am

Akali Dal needs complete organisational overhauling : Dal Khalsa tells Jathedar Gaini Raghbir Singh

The Fact News Service
Amritsar, July 1

Expressing its serious concern that the pedestal of the Akal Takht and shoulder of Jathedar of the Takhat should not be (mis)used once again by any of the warring Akali factions, the Dal Khalsa leaders met Gaini Raghbir Singh and discussed the situation arising out of Akali Dal’s existential crisis.

After meeting the Jathedar, party working president Paramjit Singh Mand in a statement to media said the history of using the Akal Takht for political advantage or fixing opponents or taking refuge in the Takht to save one’s political skin is despicable. Akal Takhat Sahib should not allow any faction to play with Sikh principles, ethos and maryada.

The burden of sins of the Akalis are very heavy – the present leadership is almost drowned under the burden of their own blunders and sins. Mand said Akalis turned their backs towards the Akal Takht and shifted their loyalties towards the Delhi Takhat to enjoy pelf and privileges, and this is a primary reason why they have lost their face-value in the the minds and hearts of Sikhs.

Factions holding parallel press conferences at Jalandhar and Chandigarh are equally guilty for the damage and degradation of the Akali Dal. The leading faces of both camps have completely lost their respect and credibility and stands nowhere in the Sikh minds especially youth. Revival of the Akali Dal is next to possible under the command of old discarded leadership running the Akali Dal affairs. Even the resignation of Sukhbir Singh Badal from presidentship alone won’t be to enable the Akali Dal to regain its lost ground – the entire organisational structure will have to be overhauled with new energetic and clean image leadership at command, he said.

He added that before both factions should make a further mockery of the Sikh nation, the Jathedar of Akal Takht Sahib should take the command in his hands firmly and dissolve the present organisational structure, and to rebuild a new structure of the Akali Dal, he should hold consultation with panthic experts, thinkers and clean image personalities to solve the existential crisis of the Akali Dal, said Mand.

Mand said the only good thing Sukhbir can do to Panth and to his party that gave him name and fame is to resign and retire from Akali politics.

On Akalis painting their opponents earlier with Congress and now with BJP brush, Mand said till 1997, it was the Indian state, that under the guise of the Congress, intruded within Sikh community to undermine Sikh institutions, interfered in religious affairs, played with sentiments, and now the its the same Deep state that is following the same policy with more poisonous and deadly thinking under the guise and platform of Hindu-ultra nationalist party BJP.


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